Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spring Time Again

I have not posted in a while. Dad passed away back in October and the winter months were filled with sickness (2008 is the year of the germ) and coaching two Upwards basketball teams at the church. But time heals and spring renews hope.
I got out "The Grill" a couple of weekends ago and grilled some nice T-Bone steaks my wife picked up from a butcher in Hawkinsville. The first grillin' of 2008 and those steaks were good! However, when I started to roll out the grill, the front wheel came off. Seems that the plastic wheel center broke. I grilled with the grill on blocks (nice neighborhood...haha). Well, SunBeam stopped making grills back in 2003, so I found a place on-line in Chicago that sells OEM SunBeam Grillmaster Wheels (no chrome or spinners...sorry). So, I will keep repairing the 10 year old GrillMaster for as long as I can and keep using it.
My tomatoes went into the ground last Saturday. I crushed some eggshells into the planting hole to provide calcium to try and prevent blossom-end rot....we will see if it helps.
Planted some ornamental grasses in the Trellis area and I used the leafblower to clean off the Trellis patio and I put out the ceramic plates onto the table and got out the seat coushions....it is officially open!
My Japanese Snowball bushs do not like living in the Pine Island, so I moved one across the yard with the Forsythia and see how it does there. I replaced it with a dark purple Elephant Ear plant. One of my shrubs in back of the house died over the winter and this may be a blessing is disguise. It would grow and block my view from the Sunroom....constant overtrimming probably did it in. I removed the corpse, er, dead shrub and I have a nice area I am going to plant some colorful (low growing) annuals (this is another weekend). Not to mention the new Geraniums at the front door (Red) and back door (pink). New patio plants, mailbox plant, and a new lantana at the sidewalk patio entrance, shrub trimming, and waalaa, nice plants and a sore back! Last weekend, I did the spring mowing, trimming, and edging. It is not the 18th hole at Augusta, but it isn't bad.
Here's to your garden and grillin"!!!