Sunday, June 15, 2008

Gardenin' & Grillin' Gabbin'

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! This one is bittersweet as it is the first without Dad, but I am thankful for everything he did and meant to me.

My Gardenia's are just finishing their blooming and it did smell good around those plants the past week or so. I have several Marigolds coming up from last year's seed and speaking of that, I have four tomato plants that came up on their own from seed. I have no idea which variety came up. I only planted four this year to cut down...HA! Now I have eight. I noticed some worms eating on the leaves, so I put a light dustin' of Sevin dust on them. I know, not exactly the "green" way to do it, but sometimes there IS better livin' through chemicals.... I pulled a red tomato from the vine yesterday. It was not very photogenic and it was a little smaller than a baseball, but it is the first pickin' and will be sliced up this evening and go on some grilled burgers. My Hydrangea's are doing well this year, but the past few weeks of almost 100 degree heat and no rain are forcing me to water a little more often. I am trying to reduce my plant and yard watering (excluding tomatoes) to a minimum to conserve water and reduce my water bill. We need that money for gas!

Gas...hmmm, that leads me to propane and grillin'. My wife is wanting me to get a new grill (Bless her!). I would like one that is a little bigger and I am able to control the heat more. I did a lot of internet research this weekend and every blog, website, or comment page all pointed to Weber being the best quality grill on the market. Others (and there are many) may be cheaper and have more bells and whistles, but indications are that they will not last. I'd love to hear from any of you with your grill experiences!

I'm looking at a new Weber Genesis series gas grill and maybe a new Weber charcoal kettle grill as well. I do a lot with my SunBeam GrillMaster Gas Grill, but it has it's limits and sometimes only charcoal will do. I have not bought anything yet as I have only completed the internet research. Now I need to go and "kick the tires" and put my hands on the grill. I'll keep you posted on how that turns out, but in the meantime, the SunBeam GrillMaster will keep on cookin'.

Sometime in the future I will get into composting and recycling......we do a lot of that around here and we never fill up the trashcan before garbage pick-up day.

Hope your Grill stays lit!