Sunday, June 17, 2007

Does it really "Mater"?

The answer is yes, when it comes to gardening, it does "mater". Of course in this case, "mater" is the short slang for Tomato. An example would be a Tomato Sandwich would be called a mater samich. Didn't know this blog would be entertaining AND educational, did you?

The tomato plantation is doing nicely. The two Goliah tomatos are growing well and producing several tomatoes. None are ripe yet, but it will not be much longer. The remaining three Better Boys are producing, but it looks like another one has gotten the black wilt. The Goliath's seem to be better resistant to disease to this point.

The fence in the background is six feet tall to give you some reference to the size of the plants so far.

While May set a record for ZERO rainfall, June is at least producing the occasional afternoon thunderstorm. However, the drip irrigation is in use every evening for 1 to 2 hours.

Two green peppers have already been picked and consumed with two more developing. They have a very good and clean green pepper taste. They are great cut up on a cool summer salad.
Hope your garden is green & growing!

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Finally! Although we are still over 10 inches below normal rainfall, we received a rainy day yesterday! I gladly posponed my Saturday yard chores to allow every precious drop of water to hit the ground. Finally got my car & truck rinsed off. Local watering bans prohibit washing of cars, rinsing of driveways, etc. I only water my yard during the days allowed under the ban, although there are neighbors who do not honor the bans and water daily. I did not water the Tomato garden yesterday or today, but alas, I will probably have to continue my ritual starting tomorrow.

I picked my green pepper this afternoon and will cut up half of it to go with a nice cool salad with supper this evening and use the other half in a spaghetti sauce later this week.

The weeds and "nut" grass have seemingly exploded in growth overnight due to the rain. I will have to launch a counter-offensive later this week. Along with feeding the tomatoes, the yard will now need mowing and with that goes the trimwork. Next Saturday is now booked.

The grill remained cool this weekend, but be not afeared, it will return to action soon! The history of my grill will be an interesting story sometime later this summer.....
